The Mirror: A Reflection of Self

We can view every encounter as a mirror through which to discover something about ourselves. It is through the other that we see our reflection; good/bad or beautiful/ugly . How this energy is picked up, translated and perceived determines the level of regard or disregard we receive. Yes, energy is impersonal. And it doesn’t lie. There are two kinds of mirrors - one reflects lack of awareness and the other depth of awareness. the qualities of the other are our own. Or a commentary on your self-worth. Within a relational exchange, these contents will trigger and be triggered. When we are the recipient of bad treatment, we may feel threatening because we don’t want to acknowledge that we might somehow be the cause, of the actions and reactions of others. For example: If your boss mistreats you, — chances are you’ll become angry, sad and complain what a horrible person he is. But if you choose to look closely and be objective at what he is reflecting. First why are you being treated in this way, what or who within you is allowing yourself to be mistreated. An important theme in developmental psychology is that relationships act as mirrors. An infant is not born with a sense of self. That sense is acquired over the course of many interactions with others, especially caregivers. With Fair technique you may explore the many rich images of the inner world and how our creative and destructive aspects help to make us who we are. Your innermost thoughts, whether they originated from you or absorbed from others, contribute to your experiences. This is a hard to comprehend because none of us want to accept we are responsible for inviting or allowing bad treatment. And we might even completely avoid, overlook, or deny our role in the dynamic. We fail to recognize that the people we have problems with may actually be mirroring for us the disowned parts of ourselves. We penalize and judge the other for the energies we refuse to own or express. But life will bring the mirror back in different forms until we choose to do so, until we integrate the very quality essential to our growth and development. become an observer of how you’re impacting others and in turn what it inspires in them. Be mindful of who, what and how you are triggered and in what context. Never fear the reflection, instead use it to go deeper and deeper into the process of self-examination and self-discovery, go deeper still into the self, until eventually you discover or uncover the nature of your affliction. The next time something unpleasant happens ask yourself: “What is being mirrored within my consciousness?” The ultimate purpose of the other as a mirror is to remind us of our higher potential, to reveal who, in essence, we are. Through their reflection we discover the essential and transformative qualities we need to develop to become whole and fulfilled, to grow and expand. In other words, the other is key on our journey to self realization. Something that we feel it can alter the structure of our paradigm in a very fundamental way becoming closer to self-transcendence - how the duality between intellect and intuition can be manifested. Which are interconnected and intertwined. The one completes the other to the extent that the one becomes the evolution of the other. when it comes to personal development and evolution, the major trait that characterizes exceptional individuals has always been their capacity to make strenuous acts seem effortless. the combination of intelligence and practice can lead to remarkable results, but I have also the feeling that we rarely ponder the nature of the state that leads to such results. For instance, when you see that you reach a level of competence in a field, and whatever you do occurs almost intuitively, you don’t feel the need to overanalyze how you reached that level. You are there and you enjoy the feeling of being there. Your past and incompetent self seems so distant and so foreign that you have no intention of bringing him or her back to the picture. However, you know that he or she is still there. Lurking in some dark corners of your consciousness, acting as an anchor to states that were an essential part of your evolution as a person. This past self has many forms. He or she becomes a shapeshifter in your personal journey that allows you to explore different forms of perception. He or she gets inspired by various archetypes that are embedded in the human psyche throughout our history as the homo sapiens species and chooses to resonate with the ones that he or she considers more pertinent to your current mode of being. It is through this integration of archetypes that you feel the first instances of intuition in your life. And it is through these instances of intuition that you can start acting in a more intelligent way. Eventually, you start to explore all the different nuances of reality through acts of intelligence and you manage, through constant experimentation, to allow yourself to act intuitively via the periodical assimilation of the nuances. This is the magic of the relationship between intellect and intuition. A magic that can only be manifested when your past, present, and future selves decide to unite, repudiate the idea of collision and embrace the idea of synergy. It is a very arduous endeavor, but also one that is very rewarding since it seems to be the only sure way to self-transcendence. There can be no self-transcendence without the unity of all manifestations of yourself. For self-transcendence is predicated upon your capacity to overcome the limits of the individual self in spiritual contemplation and realization. In every story, there is a hero and a villain. In your story, you are both. All the bright aspects and all the dark aspects of your persona orchestrate the melody of your song. A song that you need to hear first, before anyone else. But in order to hear it, you have to learn to listen. To listen not only to what you want but also to what you are afraid of your fears and your darkness aren’t detached from you. Do not eschew them. Face them, analyze them, internalize them. The shadow is always there and it will always be. But the shadow can look big or it can look small, depending on the angle from which the light caresses you.



Datum: 18/12/2020

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